I’m registered to vote this year for a new president, because I think that it’s important to be registered to express if you’re satisfied with the government in this case with the “concertación”, or if you want to change the current government for another. If nobody is registered, it would be bad for the country, because it won’t be representative the vote, so for that reason I think that everybody has to vote for who they think that can do it better.
I hate the electoral campaings because everybody insults to the opponents, and they must to be worried about their own campaings.
I think that to be a president it’s a big responsability so you must to be preparated for that. So, if somebody wants to be a president, he or she has to have a good education and has to know about everything, from economy to psychology.
I think that the biggest problem in our country is the inequality, in opportunities, in gender, in human rights, in salaries, and all this things, are expressed in the bad results in education, I think that it’s a big problem in our country, the one who needs more solutions. But education it’s not the only problem, the government has problems with the health, with the highest rates of delinquency, the environment, poverty and other things.
If I had the chance to work in a ministry, I would like to work in the ministry of environment, to protect our country from the pollution of the biggest companies, and to make conscience about our nature, and the important that it’s for everybody. And I would like to work in the ministry of culture, to approach culture to every chilean.
I hate the electoral campaings because everybody insults to the opponents, and they must to be worried about their own campaings.
I think that to be a president it’s a big responsability so you must to be preparated for that. So, if somebody wants to be a president, he or she has to have a good education and has to know about everything, from economy to psychology.
I think that the biggest problem in our country is the inequality, in opportunities, in gender, in human rights, in salaries, and all this things, are expressed in the bad results in education, I think that it’s a big problem in our country, the one who needs more solutions. But education it’s not the only problem, the government has problems with the health, with the highest rates of delinquency, the environment, poverty and other things.
If I had the chance to work in a ministry, I would like to work in the ministry of environment, to protect our country from the pollution of the biggest companies, and to make conscience about our nature, and the important that it’s for everybody. And I would like to work in the ministry of culture, to approach culture to every chilean.
Finally I think that the next president has to change the neoliberal system, and has to be worried about change the inequality.