I don’t think that capital punishment will be a good solution to reduce criminality, because the problem is bigger than that solution, i think that the government and the chilean people have to work together for a better education, specially in the first childhood. The government has to protect the family, because it’s the most important core of the society. In the familiy we can teach values, rights, and dutys, and in the school that things must be reinforced. Also we have to change the present system, beacuse it’s system of discrimination, inequality, differences between who has money and who hasn’t.
I think that the judicial system is the worst, because the delinquents do whatever they want and they are abusing of that. We have to live behind bars, and they are free in the streets. In my family there are so many cases of crimes, first of all, I was victim with my mother of burglary, the delinquents go inside the house, but we weren't there, we were on vacations, then my mother was victim of pickpocketing, my father was victim of an armed robbery, it was a very scarely situation, and once I was victim of mugging, a delinquent stold my gold earrings.
I think that the pros of the capital punishment is that the delinquents will be afraid of that and maybe they will think twice about it. But the cons is that could happened that we killed somebody who is innocent. So if someday the capital punishment started It has to be very stricted.
I think that the judicial system is the worst, because the delinquents do whatever they want and they are abusing of that. We have to live behind bars, and they are free in the streets. In my family there are so many cases of crimes, first of all, I was victim with my mother of burglary, the delinquents go inside the house, but we weren't there, we were on vacations, then my mother was victim of pickpocketing, my father was victim of an armed robbery, it was a very scarely situation, and once I was victim of mugging, a delinquent stold my gold earrings.
I think that the pros of the capital punishment is that the delinquents will be afraid of that and maybe they will think twice about it. But the cons is that could happened that we killed somebody who is innocent. So if someday the capital punishment started It has to be very stricted.
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