jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

important challenges on social anthropology

I think that the anthropology in general has a lot of challenges, basicly the most important challenge is to show to everybody what does it means the career, because a little bit of people knows what do an anthropologist and less knows what do a social anthropologist, some people thinks that we work doing excavations, or founding bones, and they are wrong, Why?, I think that the anthropologist, the oldest don't want that the career would be popular, because they could lose their jobs. So I think that the principal is that everybody knows what means to be a social anthropologist, and then to announce the investigations.
I think that we as an anthropologist, and social investigators, have a implicit commitment with the society, so the social matters will always be a challenge for us. In my opinion the anthropologists are more dedicated to creating theories on cultural or social phenomena, more than in giving solution to the real problems that we are living, as the poverty, the delinquency, drug addiction, through juvenile alcoholism, between(among) others.
About education I think that we have good teachers, but it could be better.
And about technology, well there are tools to improve the investigation, like programs as SPSS, but we are far away of technology, because our object of study is so big and different and subjective that we can't do so much programs or technology to facility the studies of cultures, because itself isn't objective, like biology or other sciences.

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