martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my cellular. My dad gave me my first cellular when I was 12 years old, I was studying in the primary, but it lasted very little, because I gave it to my mother and it was stolen from her. Then, they gave me other one that I still have, it is my favorite, ancient well, but it never trumped me. Nowadays I have one more technological, with included camera and other functions; I preserved my ancient number, because to contact my friends and to say to them that I changed the number is complicated. I like the cellular one, because you can communicate with the persons that you love, because you can call and warn that you are in a party, because I use it as clock and alarm clock, because if I have a problem I can occupy the cellular one and call for help.

Nevertheless, the cellular one also has its negative side, since they control you more, sometimes I receive calls of companies offering me services and they are well imprudent. Nonetheless I can’t live without my cellular, I feel sure having it to my side, for any contingency, and thanks to the cellular one I have saved myself from some problematic situations.

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