viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
If I finish studying anthropology, I would like to work doing ethnography, this kind of work was the first thing that the anthropologist did, for example Malinowski traveled to the Trobiand Island in Papua Nueva Guinea to observe the natives, and their culture. My dream is to travel around the world and to know everything about the different cultures, I would like to travel to the Amazon, to some tribes of Africa, and first of all to know my own country. I need to learn about the cultures that I want to study, so I need to read the respective bibliography. To do ethnography we have to be very brave because it's difficult to live with other people that we don't know, and we must be prepared to face up any problems, and circumstances like to be cold at night, don't have a shower to take a shower, and to sleep on the floor. I think that I would be good at this job because as I say My dream is to know other cultures and if I have the opportunity to do it I will do it very well, because I love it and I'm brave. This job is very difficult to find because it's very expensive, and nobody has a Company that offers this kind of job, I think that I must be lucky.
jueves, 25 de junio de 2009
ken robinson
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of the all school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence. He says that we don't know about the future so we must to be prepared for any circumstances and he considers that the education is very important in our lifes. Also he thinks that we aren´t prepared to be wrong and the childrens don´t want to be wrong, because we stigmatized them when they are wrong.
He argues that we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. the education prepared childs for university and traditional careers like engineer and medicine, but if somebody want to be a dancer nobady supports it. The more ipmortant subjects are mathematics and language but arts, and others subjects that foments the creativity aren´t important, but Robinson thinks that to dance is as important as mathematics. The educational system is based in the abilities and we must to foment the creativity and the multiple typer of intelligence.
He argues that we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. the education prepared childs for university and traditional careers like engineer and medicine, but if somebody want to be a dancer nobady supports it. The more ipmortant subjects are mathematics and language but arts, and others subjects that foments the creativity aren´t important, but Robinson thinks that to dance is as important as mathematics. The educational system is based in the abilities and we must to foment the creativity and the multiple typer of intelligence.
viernes, 19 de junio de 2009
my favourite subject
I don't have a favourite subject, but i like most of the subjects that I have, but I dislike quantitative methodologies, because it's sociology, and I don't like how Cristino made cultures polinesicas. I like rural anthropology, because I love the history of the country in Chile because my father is from the country, and my family to. Also I love gender anthropology because it's interested in the women, and all the subjects aren't interesting in this problem of inequity between gender. Also I like structuralism, because Roelf knows about everything and the topics that we see in his classes are very interesting. I'm so happy studying anthropology and I like the subjects because they are from the mention and I don't have to study biology and evolution or archaeological theory, because it's part of the common cycle and we had to study that, to know the other mentions and to decide what to follow and what to dedicate.
viernes, 12 de junio de 2009
My future
In 5 more years I would like to be happy, to be a professional, to be employed at what I like, to be with all my family close, to travel to many countries and to know many cultures. I think that I will be living in another region, I would like to live in the first region, because the weather is great, and I think that I be living alone, because I want to be free and independent, I don't have problems with my family, I live with my mother and her husband, they aren't noisy, I can study calmly, but I can't live under his roof so many years, so I have to go and make my own life.
I imagine my ideal future and I think that I would like to live in a paradisiac island, with my family and a boyfriend, I imagine me in the sand drinking a tropical juice, and bathing in the sea.
Also, I imagine all the people in the world happy, more worried by the nature, the environment, the animals, and their neighbors. I hope that all my dreams come true, and to be a better person.
I imagine my ideal future and I think that I would like to live in a paradisiac island, with my family and a boyfriend, I imagine me in the sand drinking a tropical juice, and bathing in the sea.
Also, I imagine all the people in the world happy, more worried by the nature, the environment, the animals, and their neighbors. I hope that all my dreams come true, and to be a better person.
The best in my area
I think that the best in my area, and in my country is Sonia Montecino Aguirre, she is a social anthropologist from the University of Chile, she was born in november in 1954. She is married with another important social anthropologist called Rolf Foerster, he is a structuralism teacher in the Universtity of Chile. Nowadays I'm studying gender anthropology, and I had to read a book by Montecino, "Madres y Huachos: alegorías del mestizaje", I think that the book is really great, because I could understand all the concepts about women and why chileans are so chauvinists.
She has published essays, books and a lot of articles. She has been dedicated to the study of gender and ethnic identities and the relations between Antrhopology and literature. She is editor of the Chilean Magazzine. What I like about her is the kind of things that she studies, like miths, gender, cooking, indigenous. I admire her because she has made a big contribution to the anthropology and she also has been prizewinner with important prizes like Altazor.
She has published essays, books and a lot of articles. She has been dedicated to the study of gender and ethnic identities and the relations between Antrhopology and literature. She is editor of the Chilean Magazzine. What I like about her is the kind of things that she studies, like miths, gender, cooking, indigenous. I admire her because she has made a big contribution to the anthropology and she also has been prizewinner with important prizes like Altazor.
my career
I study anthropology in the University of Chile, I knew the anthropology when I was 17 years old, I was studying in the school, and one day we had a lecture about the careers of the university of Chile, I knew about sociology, I wanted to study that but I wasn't sure until I knew the anthropology and I liked it because the anthropology works directly with the persons, whereas the sociology studies numbers and statistics, and that it wasn´t my interest. The anthropology in the university is divide in two cycles, the common one and the basic one. First the students studies social anthropology, physical anthropology and archaeology for 2 years, then we must to decide which mention to choose, so at the third year we are in our mention, for two years more he have classes but in the last year we will have to do our professional practice, and we must to be entitled. Im very happy studying anthropology, its very difficult, but its what I chose and I like it.
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
my favorite photograph

This is my favorite photograph, because I'm with my family. I don't remember who took the photograph, but I remember that we were celebrating that my aunt called Blanca finished her university education. We were in my house, my mother and I made a cocktail, we bought something to drink and to eat. In the picture it's my uncle Ronald, he is 31 years old and he is studying at university, by his side is my mother called Ximena, she is one of the most important person in my life. Now I'm going to describe the people who were standing up from right to left, the first is my cousin Camila, she is 14 years old, she is studying in high school and she is the youngest of the family, by her side it's her mother and my aunt Blanca, she is married with my uncle Juan Carlos, he wasn't in the photograph, because he was working, he works in the third region, in a strip mine, he drives a big truck. By her side is her mother, and my grandmother called Jeanette, she is really great, she is the oldest of the family and we all love her, and finally by her side it's me. I think that we had a great time together, and we are a beautiful family, with some problems, like all the families, but a good family anyway.
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