viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009
Self evaluation of my academic year 2009
My academic year began in March, 2009, it’s separated in two semesters like always, my first semester was satisfactory, it was good for me, much better than previous years, though the effort was very big, we had many readings and also several works that to do, the most difficult note was that of qualitative methodology, corresponding to a production and accomplishment of a discussion group in La Granja, it was a complicated work, but we manage to carry out the discussion group, then we had to transcribe the discussion, codify it and finally to do an analysis. On the other hand we had an exam of Estructuralismo, of the whole subject, the whole study was complicated, because it were a great quantity of texts.
My second semester is not ended yet, I still have several final works that to do and to expose. In general this semester has been busy, I had two fieldworks, one of a weekend, and other one of two weeks distributed in September and October. This semester has been totally approach to the applied work, to realizing interviews, to being with the people, I have a premise of life, live through it to understand it, and these fieldworks that they need from exits to fields are propitious to do it, probably not so much to live through it, but at least to live through it closely. Up to the moment this semester also has been satisfactory, with the exception of a subject that didn’t expire with my expectations.
In conclusion this academic year has been very satisfactory, but simultaneously also very strongly, the level every year increases and the good notes aren’t a gift, there are consequence of the effort. On the other hand I began with the fieldworks, which made me very happy, because I could be with the people and put into practice the theory. Nevertheless so many fieldwork and so much effort passed to me a bit the account. Therefore, in general this year has been a very good academic year, in any sense and it has made me very happy to give good results well.
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009
important challenges on social anthropology
I think that we as an anthropologist, and social investigators, have a implicit commitment with the society, so the social matters will always be a challenge for us. In my opinion the anthropologists are more dedicated to creating theories on cultural or social phenomena, more than in giving solution to the real problems that we are living, as the poverty, the delinquency, drug addiction, through juvenile alcoholism, between(among) others.
About education I think that we have good teachers, but it could be better.
And about technology, well there are tools to improve the investigation, like programs as SPSS, but we are far away of technology, because our object of study is so big and different and subjective that we can't do so much programs or technology to facility the studies of cultures, because itself isn't objective, like biology or other sciences.
The armed boy in the subway
I think that I would like to hear that everybody is healthy and that everybody has the education that they want,because the health and the education, and the family are the most important things for a socialwelfare.
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
improving your faculty facilities
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009
Election day

I hate the electoral campaings because everybody insults to the opponents, and they must to be worried about their own campaings.
I think that to be a president it’s a big responsability so you must to be preparated for that. So, if somebody wants to be a president, he or she has to have a good education and has to know about everything, from economy to psychology.
I think that the biggest problem in our country is the inequality, in opportunities, in gender, in human rights, in salaries, and all this things, are expressed in the bad results in education, I think that it’s a big problem in our country, the one who needs more solutions. But education it’s not the only problem, the government has problems with the health, with the highest rates of delinquency, the environment, poverty and other things.
If I had the chance to work in a ministry, I would like to work in the ministry of environment, to protect our country from the pollution of the biggest companies, and to make conscience about our nature, and the important that it’s for everybody. And I would like to work in the ministry of culture, to approach culture to every chilean.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
A criminal lows

I think that the judicial system is the worst, because the delinquents do whatever they want and they are abusing of that. We have to live behind bars, and they are free in the streets. In my family there are so many cases of crimes, first of all, I was victim with my mother of burglary, the delinquents go inside the house, but we weren't there, we were on vacations, then my mother was victim of pickpocketing, my father was victim of an armed robbery, it was a very scarely situation, and once I was victim of mugging, a delinquent stold my gold earrings.
I think that the pros of the capital punishment is that the delinquents will be afraid of that and maybe they will think twice about it. But the cons is that could happened that we killed somebody who is innocent. So if someday the capital punishment started It has to be very stricted.
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
What to do and where to go in Santiago.
What to do in Santiago?, first, you should prove the typical food, the casseroles, "empanadas", the seafood, between others and to drink a good Chilean wine. Then you should walk and to cross Santiago city, and to take pictures of monuments, ancients and moderns buildings, streets, and churchs.
top 4 places
San Cristobal hill, it's an important place, you should go there and visit the Zoo, and then to visit on the top of the hill, the virgen, that takes care of the santiaguinos, there you will have aprivileged sight
The Chascona is one of Pablo Neruda's three houses in Chile, it is located in the bohemian arts district of Santiago called Barrio Bellavista, it's a musseum, and it's an important oportunity to know where lived on of the most important poets of the world.
The Forestal Park on Sunday is filled with street performers such as jugglers and actors, making it a fun environment for families as well. You will also come across a lot of second hand stuff such as books, clothes or food.
The Vega it's a typical place with typical people, you should eat there, because the food is good and cheap, cheaper than the Central Market. You can eat fish with rice, salad and juice only for 2 dollars.
sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2009
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
transantiago: Before and after
When I knew about the idea of revolutionize the public transport system in a few months I thought that it will be a crazy idea, because it’s necessary to have all right. First I think that they failled with the propagation of the information, they must to inform with beforehand the new route of the buses, they have to explained how it’s going to be the work of the new system of pay (the BIP card), the differences between the “troncal” and “alimentador”, and other things that were informated when the Transantiago was nearly to start and actually was the cause of the chaos in the beginning. Another failled point it’s related to the appropriate infrastructure, the streets weren’t ready for the exclusives routes, the “paraderos” neither.
I think that transantiago has good and bad things, the best is that we have to pay only one travel, and the worst is that we have to travel all squashed together on the bus.
jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009
A country that I would like to visit

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
past term
By the other hand, I have doubts with the final evaluation, I feel that it wasn’t to the appropriate level, in fact it was easier than the final test of the second level and neither were evaluated all the contents that we saw in the semester. For the student’s maybe can be good because we can get better scores but I think that the effort of all the semester it wasn´t evaluated. Finally I hope that this semester I could learn more because I think that to learn english is very important for my future.
viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
jueves, 25 de junio de 2009
ken robinson
He argues that we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. the education prepared childs for university and traditional careers like engineer and medicine, but if somebody want to be a dancer nobady supports it. The more ipmortant subjects are mathematics and language but arts, and others subjects that foments the creativity aren´t important, but Robinson thinks that to dance is as important as mathematics. The educational system is based in the abilities and we must to foment the creativity and the multiple typer of intelligence.
viernes, 19 de junio de 2009
my favourite subject
viernes, 12 de junio de 2009
My future
I imagine my ideal future and I think that I would like to live in a paradisiac island, with my family and a boyfriend, I imagine me in the sand drinking a tropical juice, and bathing in the sea.
Also, I imagine all the people in the world happy, more worried by the nature, the environment, the animals, and their neighbors. I hope that all my dreams come true, and to be a better person.
The best in my area
She has published essays, books and a lot of articles. She has been dedicated to the study of gender and ethnic identities and the relations between Antrhopology and literature. She is editor of the Chilean Magazzine. What I like about her is the kind of things that she studies, like miths, gender, cooking, indigenous. I admire her because she has made a big contribution to the anthropology and she also has been prizewinner with important prizes like Altazor.
my career
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
my favorite photograph

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009
My last vacation
martes, 26 de mayo de 2009
My favorite piece of technology
My favorite piece of technology is my cellular. My dad gave me my first cellular when I was 12 years old, I was studying in the primary, but it lasted very little, because I gave it to my mother and it was stolen from her. Then, they gave me other one that I still have, it is my favorite, ancient well, but it never trumped me. Nowadays I have one more technological, with included camera and other functions; I preserved my ancient number, because to contact my friends and to say to them that I changed the number is complicated. I like the cellular one, because you can communicate with the persons that you love, because you can call and warn that you are in a party, because I use it as clock and alarm clock, because if I have a problem I can occupy the cellular one and call for help.
Nevertheless, the cellular one also has its negative side, since they control you more, sometimes I receive calls of companies offering me services and they are well imprudent. Nonetheless I can’t live without my cellular, I feel sure having it to my side, for any contingency, and thanks to the cellular one I have saved myself from some problematic situations.